
A start

September's been a month. Is still a month, honestly. I'm hashing out the start of this blog while waiting for the text to say I can pick-up my groceries, at which point I'll be tackling several errands before returning home and cleaning as much of my rental as I can before I collapse on the couch. Come Wednesday, I'll drive two hours to pick-up a friend from the airport before we spend the week hopping about the state, doing tourist stuff. Needless to say, while the collapse of Cohost would have been bad at any point, this was not an optimal time for me.

For now, I'm going to set-up this blog and when life calms down see if I get the itch to write here. It seems simple, and I value that. I'll also set about getting a neocities page going and see if these two together will scratch the itch of shouting my thoughts into the void.

#cohost #thoughts