
Bitel's Otherworld

I finished Lisa M. Bitel's Otherworld a couple weeks ago now and it's a pretty easy recommendation. Bitel collects and translates several Ulster Cycle stories, and opts to take an approach that combines storyteller with lecturer. Every few paragraphs she chimes in with an aside highlighting the stark gender division in how men and women are able to act; call-outs to how one story builds off of or feeds into another; and occasionally reminds the reader that these are stories about pre-Christian Ireland written down from oral traditions by medieval Christian scribes. It's a pretty breezy read all together and a nice introduction to the Ulster Cycle, albeit one that teases the reader enough with the going-ons of The Cattle Raid of Cooley that you probably should know that story first.

I was glad to see my favorite of the Ulster stories in here - Serglige Con Culainn, or The Sick Bed of Cú Chulainn. Despite Cú Chulainn being the focus of the story, the tale revolves largely around the sid, the fey inhabitants of the titular Otherworld. The way the story depicts them - explicitly beautiful, vaguely all of a cohort (groups rarely appear in less than 50 or even three 50s), and living amongst crystal trees. It's all ripe imagery that I want to pull into a dungeon game.

All-in-all, a neat read! Highly recommend if you're looking for an easy way to get into old Irish tales.

#bitel #otherworld #ulster cycle